Street Fighter 6 recebe Terry Bogard e grandes mudanças – Confira as novidades do patch

MIKE PASCHOAL | 24.09.2024 ÀS 14:07
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Terry Bogard foi adicionado ao jogo como personagem DLC, junto com novas funcionalidades e melhorias para diversos lutadores. A Capcom liberou as notas do patch após a manutenção dos servidores, revelando tudo o que mudou.

Além da chegada de Terry, o patch se destaca por trazer ajustes de balanceamento para praticamente todos os personagens, incluindo Luke, Jamie, Manon, Ryu, Chun-Li e muitos outros. Somente Lily, Cammy e Ken permaneceram sem alterações, além das mudanças universais aplicadas a todos os lutadores.

Novos modos de jogo também foram implementados, como o V-Rival e o Replay Review, oferecendo mais ferramentas para os jogadores aprimorarem suas habilidades.

Confira a lista completa das mudanças no site oficial de Street Fighter 6.

Street Fighter 6 Terry Update General Patch Notes

Fighting Ground
Year 2 Additional Character, Terry Bogard added.
Various Terry-related items can be found for sale in the Goods Shop.
Playable character, "Terry Bogard"
Terry: Outfit 2
Terry: Outfit 1 Colors 3–10
Challenger Screen: kangyaku: Terry
Stage: Pao Pao Cafe 6

The following features have been added or updated.
Arcades: Terry's arcade story added.
Character Guides: Terry's character guide added.
Certain parts of other character guides updated.
Combo Trials: Terry's combo trials added.
Certain parts of other combo trials updated.
Command Lists: Terry's command list added.

You can now switch to player control during replay playback.
Use this feature to figure out how to combat certain attack patterns or find new strategies!

The following features have been updated.
Player Titles: Terry's player titles added.
Real-time Commentary: Terry specific commentary added.
Fighter Profiles: Terry's avatar poses added.
Clubs: Terry segments for club uniforms and emblems added.

Warning Regarding Replays
After updating, you will not be able to play back replays from earlier versions.

Fighter Profile
History data from previous versions will not be displayed.

World Tour

Terry's missions and Pao Pao Cafe are now available! By becoming Terry's student, you can learn his master actions.

To meet Terry, two conditions must be met in World Tour. Become Ryu's student.

Clear Chapter 11-4 of the World Tour campaign.

Once these conditions have been met, One Fateful Day will be available from your hangout in Metro City. Switch to that scenario to enjoy a special day. You may learn a new move or twenty too!

Battle Hub

Welcome the arrival of the V-Rival, Sim Sim! Thanks to studying the battle data of hundreds of thousands of players, the Virtual Rival (V-Rival) Sim Sim is now ready for everyone!

Try it out when you want to play but not against a live opponent, and you can also get cool bonuses and advice from Li-Fen too!

New Features
New Challenger images from the Street Fighter illustration contest added.
Cell-Shaded and Manga filters added to photo mode.
Pockest stickers added.

Useful Features

In the top right of the main menu you can now see both friends and club member who are online. From there you can go to your CFN Fighters List with a single button press.

Club members tab added to CFN Fighters List. With this feature it is easier to see who in your club is online, and it is easier to organize which Battle Hub server to join, or to create custom rooms.

Notices regarding Lucky Battle Cabinets in the Battle Hub are improved.

Settings to keep Kimberly's Super Art 3 music, etc. from overriding the BGM tracks added. You can find them from Options > Audio > Other > BGM Override Settings

New Avatar Gear
Check out the following cool new avatar gear available with this release!
Terry Bogard's Cap
Terry Bogard's Jacket
Terry Bogard's Sneakers
BH Denim
Classic Electric Guitar
Spirited Leather Bangle

More News!
We got a special Udon Comics New Challenger image and sticker for players available in the News!

Bug Fixes
Training Modes: Fixed an issue that occurred with the Switch Block options where the block direction would switch during continuous blocks even when set to Standing Block only or Crouching Block only.
Fixed an issue where the frame meter would show data one frame slower than the actual data during a Super Art startup for ones that have an attack hitbox appear during the dark screen transition, such as Zangief's Bolshoi Storm Buster and Akuma's Shun Goku Satsu.

Fixed an issue where the BGM volume was slightly lowered during Akuma's charged Gou Hadoken.
Fixed an issue where the round transition part of the Street Fighter 3 BGM tracks would not play.

Other miscellaneous issues fixed.


Gameplay Changes

Universal Concepts

Some characters have received some balance adjustments for this update.

Rather than sweeping changes to alter the game balance across all characters, this time we've zeroed in to specifically add some tweaks to characters that hadn't seen many changes to their playstyle yet. We've also dampened the unexpected negative impact of some previous changes, and dialed back some factors that were really sticking out.

Drive Impact (Bug Fix)
1. With some characters, the length of the standby block hitbox did not match that of the attack hitbox, so the standby block hitbox was adjusted for them to match.
This change applies to Luke, Kimberly, Chun-Li, Dee Jay, and A.K.I.

2. Fixed an issue where receiving an opponent's attack would unintentionally change the properties of the Drive Impact for some characters. The affected characters and fixes applied are detailed below.
Kimberly: Fixed an issue where the standby block hitbox would disappear from frames 1 to 17.
Dee Jay: Fixed an issue where the attack hitbox was shorter than normal.
Blanka: Fixed an issue where the standby block hitbox was too short, and the range on active attack frame 2 was longer than intended.

Drive Reversal (Adjustment)
Expanded the throw hurtbox forward, so that normal throws can connect as a counter attack when the Drive Reversal is blocked at close range. This change only affects Dee Jay.

Special Move Start Up (Modern Controls) (Bug Fix)
Fixed an issue where the simple command scaling would be applied if a manual command was inputted during the dark screen transition of a Super Art, etc.

Assisted Combo (Bug Fix)
Fixed an issue with some characters where if they entered Burnout during an Assisted Combo and buffered the first attack of the same Assisted Combo, the second attack and later would not be performed. This fix applies to the following characters and combos.
- Kimberly: Assisted Combo 2
- Manon: Assisted Combo 2

Assisted Combo (Bug Fix)
Fixed an issue with some characters where if they entered Burnout during an Assisted Combo and input the first attack of the same Assisted Combo at the same time as the move recovery, the second attack and later would not be performed. This fix applies to the following characters and combos.
- Luke: Assisted Combo 2
- Manon: Assisted Combo 3
- Juri: Assisted Combo 2 and 3
- JP: Assisted Combo 3
- Dhalsim: Assisted Combo 2

Para mais informações, acesse a página oficial do Street Fighter 6.

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