Mortal Kombat 1: Ermac chega com patch de compatibilidade e ajustes de balanceamento

MIKE PASCHOAL | 17.04.2024 ÀS 07:35
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Ermac está disponível para aqueles que possuem o Kombat Pack, trazendo consigo uma série de ajustes de balanceamento e correções.

A Warner Bros. divulgou as notas de patch detalhando todas as mudanças implementadas nesta atualização.

Confira algumas das notas de atualização abaixo. Para maiores detalhes, acesse o site oficial do Mortal Kombat:

PC Steam & Epic Games Store
• Game Stability improvements

• Gameplay Performance improved for most Hardware configurations, including Valve SteamDeck

• Refined Online Benchmark's Storage Speed check to determine Krossplay Matchmaking eligibility

Nintendo Switch
• Fixed visual issue where Liu Kang’s hair would clip through his headband

• Fixed color of certain palettes for Smoke

• Fixed an issue causing a soft lock during KOTH matches

General Fixes & Adjustments
• Move list corrections & Localization fixes

• AI adjustments & improvements

• Improvements to Screen Reader functionality

• Added Ermac Fighter to Roster

• Added Deception skins for Shao Kahn & Sindel and Deadly Alliance skins for Quan Chi & Shang Tsung

• Fixed several visual issues with brutalities

• Improved AI ability to perform and defend against Wakeup & Reversal Attacks

• Guest Users can now access unlocks in Local Versus

• Fixed Gameplay > Pause Delay setting affecting modes outside of gameplay

• Fixed situations where health values displayed during Survivor Tower could be incorrect

• Fixed issue that could cause Daily & Weekly Quests to display incorrect time remaining

• Fixed an issue that could cause Streak Stat to not be tracked properly after Kombat League & KOTH matches

• Fixed situation where game could become unresponsive if internet connection is lost while a DLC character is being purchased from Fighter Select

• Adjusted Fatal Blow Boost timing & damage during Story Mode Kameo Fatal Blows

• Improved timing to be more intuitive for both players regaining control after a Match Extended occurs

• Fixed camera issue that could occur when rapidly entering and exiting Kustomize Photo Mode

• Added missing Lesson Komplete announcer audio on Kombo Challenges

• Fighters can now be rotated in the Premium Shop & Seasonal Store with the Right Stick

• Added Change Pose option in Kustomize Photo Mode

• Fixed issue with Replays where an incorrect name may appear after viewing a Kombat Kard

• Fixed several audio issues with Replays when playing at 1/2 speed

• Fixed issue where game could become unresponsive if user signs out while watching a Replay

• Fixed issue with Kameo moves not executing while the Roster character is performing a dash with specific timing

• Fixed issue that could briefly cause incorrect Victim Regions to be used after duck blocking an attack then letting go of the block button and remaining idle

• Fixed rare situations of incorrect gameplay face animations being displayed

• Adjusted Opponent’s position on the first frame of some standing reactions

• Fixed an issue that was preventing Maximum Damage from triggering in multiplayer modes

• Fixed motion blur during some moves being applied differently for Player 2

• Adjustments to Rollback to improve online performance

• Added Krossplay support (PC, Xbox Series X/S, & PlayStation 5 versions) to KOTH Matches

• Fixed several issues with Krossplay & KOTH invites

• Fixed "Players Met" not updating with players from Private Matches

• Fixed a long delay that could sometimes occur if your opponent's connection is lost during Kasual Versus

• Fixed issue that could cause players to have to wait for the timer to expire if the King leaves the lobby before first match has started

• Fixed issue causing some Quests to track during Private online matches

• Fixed Mask consumables not working during Survival missions

• Fixed issue that could cause some opponents to have incorrect names during Endurance & Ambush fights

• Fixed rare situations where a new Endurance fight opponent would not be facing the correct direction

• Fixed visual issue with Endurance matches where some attacks that could cause the opponent to explode twice when defeated

• Fixed issue that could cause Kombo Attacks to not cancel into Talisman Activations

Practice Mode
• Fixed Block Mode > Up Block not working correctly if opponent is hit then player switches sides with a jump attack

• Fixed rare issue causing certain attacks to not trigger Breaker while Kustom Dummy with Breaker Mode On is used

• Fixed damage numbers overlapping during Fatal Blows with multiple hits in quick succession

• Fixed Random Playback Trigger not picking a random recording upon Practice Resetting before the current recording playback finishes

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